5 quick reasons Millennials excel

Cort Twitty


After hearing a Baby Boomer’s recent negative opinion about Millennials, I thought it appropriate that I share some Millennial traits I admire.

  1. Simplicity. They are masters of keeping it simple. Consider for a moment how brilliant it is to accomplish 90% of your day’s tasks on a single device. Gone are the days of taking briefcases to work. A modern day briefcase will fit in your pocket.
  2. Challenging the norm. Millennials ask, “why not?” They find ways to improve processes that have grown stale through the years. Millennials are great at asking questions. Coffee shops are full of people everyday who are challenging the idea of, “that’s not possible.” Millennials help us all see things a little different.
  3. Multi-tasking. It’s incredible how many tasks they juggle at once. It’s almost like one task isn’t challenging enough…they want more! Whether it’s a book they are reading (or listening to), combined with a project (or two) at work, shopping on Amazon, keeping up with their handles on social media, or family…they can handle it all. I’m generalizing here, but it seems like Millennial men spend excess time comparing Tesla models, while the women gravitate to Instagram and Pinterest seeking out their next color change in the kitchen.
  4. Millennials own being Millennials. You don’t have to look far at your local restaurant to spot Millennials. They dress a little different, for one. I, personally, love it. I think it’s really cool that a generation is owning being the generation they happen to be. Millennials have an affinity for Tesla’s. You don’t see too many old people in Tesla’s, do you? They don’t make apologies for who they are. Nor do they feel like they were dealt a bad hand for being born in the years they were born.
  5. Hyper-processing information. As I’ve studied, in awe, Millennials ability to process information, hyper-process is the best description I can use. I’m not just talking about how many pairs of Birkenstocks they can view per minute, I’m talking about their ability to quickly improvise and think on their feet. Obstacles only fuel their knack for creativity and outside-the-box type thinking.

My experiences with Millennials has been positive. I enjoy working alongside of them. I appreciate their differing perspectives about most things. I can be reached for questions or comments at: linkedin.com/in/corttwitty or CSTwitty2@Gmail.com.



Cort Twitty

Award Winning Author & American Businessman, Financial Practitioner, Founding Partner & President of Minority Owned Business, Value Based Weekly Writer - Medium