Chasing Dreams Without The Shackles Of Shame

Cort Twitty
4 min readOct 23, 2023

Have you ever wondered why some people, despite facing countless challenges, continue to push forward with a positive attitude? Have you ever wondered why life seems so hard to you but looks much less difficult for other people?

Today, we’re going to answer those questions and more…

Today, I want to share a message of hope, resilience, and self-belief. Last week, we touched on how our words shape our perspective which shapes our reality. Many comparisons we make between ourselves, and others can be answered by understanding the power of perspective. We want to avoid comparison whenever possible.

Life will always present challenges. But every challenge is an opportunity in disguise. Think about the times you’ve fallen and risen again. Each of those moments molded you into the person you are today.

Every victory, no matter how small, contributes to the larger journey of life. But victories don’t come easy. They demand dedication, passion, and most importantly, belief in oneself.

We all have dreams. Some dream of success, some of love, and some of peace. No matter what your dream is, remember this — dreams are the blueprints of reality.

Where our focus goes, our energy flows, it manifests itself. Share your dreams. Talk about them. Because when you speak your dreams into existence, you’re one step closer to turning them into reality. But dreams without action remain just that — dreams. To make them come true, you must act.

Consistent effort, dedication, and a never-give-up attitude are the pillars of success. Yet, on this journey, it’s okay to ask for help. No one achieves greatness alone. Seek mentors, embrace support, and always be willing to learn. Remember, setbacks are a part of growth. They are not meant to deter you but to strengthen you. Every setback is a setup for a comeback. Embrace them, learn from them, and move forward with even more determination.

Life is a journey, filled with highs and lows. But what remains constant is our ability to choose our response.

Choose positivity. Choose resilience. Choose hope.

Feel through the yucky feelings that come up, choose to learn, choose to grow, choose to win. Because when you choose to rise above challenges, you inspire others to do the same.

In the grand tapestry of life, two prominent threads often weave through our existence: the pursuit of our dreams and the burden of shame. Both these experiences are pivotal in shaping our identities and guiding our choices. While chasing dreams fills us with passion and purpose, a shame-based outlook can hold us back. Merging these two aspects harmoniously means pursuing aspirations without the hindrance of self-doubt, guilt, or remorse.

THE ALLURE OF DREAMS — Every person, at some point, has dreamt of accomplishing something grand, something that would define them. Dreams can be rooted in ambition, passion, or mere curiosity. They serve as the guiding stars of our lives, illuminating our path and fueling our passion. Achieving dreams can offer unparalleled happiness and a deep sense of fulfillment.

THE SHADOWS OF SHAME — Shame, on the other hand, lurks in the darker corners of our psyche. Rooted in our experiences, societal expectations, or self-imposed standards, shame is an emotion that makes us feel unworthy or inadequate. It’s a weight that slows our stride and dims the vibrancy of our dreams.

Shame-based thoughts often sound like:

  • “I’m not good enough.”
  • “What will others think of me?”
  • “I don’t deserve success.”


1. EMPOWERMENT vs. DISEMPOWERMENT — Shame is a disempowering emotion. It steals our self-worth and clouds our judgment. On the other hand, chasing dreams is about self-empowerment. If we let shame guide us, we might never take risks or step out of our comfort zones.

2. AUTHENTICITY OVER PRETENSE — When driven by shame, individuals often wear masks, showing the world a version of themselves that isn’t genuine. By pursuing dreams without shame, one can be true to oneself, leading a more authentic life.

3. JOY OVER REGRET — Imagine achieving your dream but not being able to enjoy it because you’re bogged down by shame. Pursuing aspirations without shame ensures that once a goal is achieved, it can be celebrated wholeheartedly.


1. SELF-AWARENESS — Recognize and accept your feelings of shame. Understand its origin. Is it from a past experience, societal norms, or internalized beliefs?

2. REFRAME NEGATIVE THOUGHTS — Challenge and replace negative self-talk. Instead of thinking “I can’t,” think “I’ll try.”

3. SURROUND YOURSELF WITH POSITIVITY — Engage with supportive individuals who uplift you, believe in your dreams, and reassure you of your worth.

4. SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP — If shame feels overwhelming, it might be beneficial to seek therapy or counseling. Professionals can provide tools and techniques to cope and overcome these feelings.

5. CELEBRATE SMALL WINS — Every step towards your dream, no matter how small, is a victory. Celebrate it without comparing yourself to others.

Chasing dreams while shedding the burdens of shame isn’t just about success; it’s about leading a fuller, happier, and more authentic life. Embrace your aspirations, understand your worth, and remember: every individual’s journey is unique. The real victory lies not just in achieving dreams but in enjoying the journey without the unnecessary weight of shame.

As this new day begins, make a promise to yourself. Promise to chase your dreams, embrace challenges, and believe in the power within you.

To download free e-book format of: Godfidence, click here. To everyone else, have a great week and try to find beauty in the grind.



Cort Twitty

Award Winning Author & American Businessman, Financial Practitioner, Founding Partner & President of Minority Owned Business, Value Based Weekly Writer - Medium