Design Your Dream Life: The Power of Crafting Your Life Plan and Living on Your Own Terms

Cort Twitty
4 min readApr 6, 2024

Life is like a game of chess, except it’s not just the pieces on the board you have to worry about — it’s the unseen hands trying to move you around. Picture this: you’re cruising along life’s highway, singing your favorite tune, when suddenly you realize you’re not driving. You’re merely a passenger in someone else’s chauffeured sedan, and they’re taking you to a destination you never wanted to visit in the first place. Scary, right? That’s why it’s time to grab hold of the steering wheel of your own life and map out your journey with a DIY life plan.

Now, before you start panicking about the daunting task of planning your entire existence, let’s remember one thing: life is unpredictable, like a box of chocolates, except sometimes you get Brussels sprouts instead of bonbons. But fear not, because creating your life plan doesn’t mean you have to have all the answers. It’s more like having a rough sketch of a masterpiece, knowing that you can always add some fancy brushstrokes or even paint over the parts you don’t like.

First and foremost, making your life plan is like designing your dream house. You wouldn’t let your nosy neighbor pick out the blinds for your living room, would you? So why let someone else dictate the course of your life? Besides, who knows you better than yourself? Well, maybe your pet dog, but they can’t hold a pen, so you’re stuck with yourself on this one.

Imagine you’re at a dinner party, and everyone is discussing their five-year plans. Steve from accounting wants to climb Mount Everest, Karen from marketing plans to become a salsa dancing champion, and Bob, well, Bob just wants to retire and live on a deserted island with his pet iguana. Meanwhile, you’re sitting there nodding along, secretly wondering if you should switch departments just to be more interesting. But hold your horses! Your life plan doesn’t have to be a carbon copy of everyone else’s. It’s like pizza — you can have your toppings however you like them, even if anchovies are involved (no judgment here).

Let’s talk about the perks of having your own life plan. First, you get to set the rules. Want to binge-watch Netflix in your pajamas all day? Go ahead, it’s in the plan! Second, you become the CEO of your own destiny. No more awkward team meetings where someone else is the boss of your Mondays. And finally, you get to unleash your creativity. Life is your canvas, so why settle for black and white when you can paint it rainbow-colored? I know firsthand that at any given time, we can create a blank canvas and decide that our life is going to look different. Maybe you’re suffering from a recent divorce where your plans were turned upside down. Perhaps you dislike your job but feel like that’s your only option. Let’s stop following the trail everyone else is following and begin blazing our own trail. Let’s stop building someone else’s dream and begin building our own.

But hey, let’s not kid ourselves. Life doesn’t come with a manual, and even if it did, it would probably be written in Comic Sans. There will be detours, U-turns, and maybe even a few potholes along the way. But that’s the beauty of it all. Embrace the chaos, laugh at the absurdity, and remember that even the best-laid plans can go awry. Just ask the dinosaurs.

To my weekend readers, take the reins of your life like a cowboy riding into the sunset. Craft your life plan with care, sprinkle it with a dash of humor, and don’t forget to pack some snacks for the journey. Who knows, you might just stumble upon a hidden treasure chest filled with joy, success, and maybe even a pet iguana named Bob.

If you’re serious about building something different, starting today, grab a piece of paper or open your favorite notes app on your phone and just start brainstorming. You can organize your thoughts later.

For those of you who want a personalized way to customize the plan of your life, I created step-by-step worksheets to help you design a plan for your own life. They can be found in my book Godfidence by clicking here. I discounted the price by 30% for a short time so the readers of my articles could be rewarded. All proceeds will benefit a charity that I’m involved with.

By supporting this cause, you’re not just making a purchase, you’re making a difference. Every penny raised goes to a charity that I’m personally involved with. Thank you for considering contributing to this worthy cause! Life is hard! Things are getting more expensive, and wages aren’t necessarily keeping up with inflation. Utilize the tools I’m offering, take the plan of your life back, and re-design a version you can be proud of. Have a great week and use the book as a guide to make your journey easier. Godfidence: The Art of Quiet Confidence & Emotional Intelligence.



Cort Twitty

Award Winning Author & American Businessman, Financial Practitioner, Founding Partner & President of Minority Owned Business, Value Based Weekly Writer - Medium