Cort Twitty
5 min readMay 11, 2023

Wrapping up the section on Super Six is an exercise in all things positive and related to me and to you, the person that I live for, the reader of my material. The short exercise goes like this: First, we list six people that we admire or look up to. Anyone, alive or dead, celebrity or everyday types, any six that you admire will work fine.

Once we have our six people listed, we list the qualities they have that we admire, or things we feel bonded to them over, or just things they are talented at that you respect. Characteristics for each person should amount to six per person.

This leaves us with thirty-six qualities listed in total. Now look at your list of thirty-six characteristics you admire in others and look for patterns and underline words you have used more than once. If you have multiple words underlined, take a count of how many times you used a specific characteristic describing people you admire.

Any words that you underlined, or any words that are synonyms of each other, these words are subconsciously the characteristics you already have inside of you and that you have the potential to bring out in yourself. You just don’t recognize them because of past pain, hurt, or years of not taking time to care for yourself.

These are the characteristics that we want you to discover again and become good at nurturing, enhancing, and seeing in yourself the true greatness that lies dormant because we tend to not see our potential like others see our potential. Limiting self-beliefs, lack of inner confidence, having your voice squashed by a more dominate voice you keep around you…any of these very normal, every day happenings are reasons for not seeing our true purpose and true self.

These are just some of the reasons why we have a hard time seeing in ourselves what we clearly see in other people.

The moral of the story is self-discovery.

How often are you working on you? How often are you learning from others? Caring for your body? Not living in fear? How many times per week do you exercise? Are you trying to listen to the universe for answers and clues from family members who have already passed?

All this matters in mental health. And the smartest people in the world are gaining an understanding of emotional intelligence so they can stay distinguished from an AI robot.

AI can’t create emotional intelligence on its own. AI can understand the tone of the emotion you enter into its search parameters, but it cannot manufacture its own emotion or emotional intelligence. I don’t want to say it will never be able to, lord knows technology is moving forward at break-neck speed.

I’m right in the middle of that growth and I am a partner in a sophisticated new AI software that help industries from legal to automotive to medical and everything in between find exactly where their clients are coming from. We are letting technology do its work by leaving emotion out and giving our people that emotional intelligence and training. We give each client that uses our software the chance to have the personal cell phone number of the Specialist they talk to, so they get the same person whether they have feedback, need tech support, or just need a favor.

In short, we want to give our clients the best chance for a positive emotional intelligence experience and not treat them in a way that would set them back or irritate them.

I don’t write hollow words. My words are backed up by thirty years of suffering like no other human should have to suffer. Some things that happened to me were unspeakable until I wrote a book about them that can be found here. I longer suffer my way down Survival Street, I live in abundance and freedom that are dictated by making ten minutes per day for myself. I do this every day and every day I find peace and fulfillment in life.

Those who have read my book and know me personally, are the same people that watch, read, and listen to my work. They believe me because they know the internal horrors I’ve been through; some were of my own making, and some were out of my hands.

So, the more you live with these principles and the more seriously you take these weekly messages, the more beauty you will see around you, and the more beauty you will see inside of your soul when you look in the mirror. I promise that your life can be more fulfilled than you can even imagine. If you already have an awesome life, I’m here to make it better, and I will, if you are willing to meet me half way. You’re beautiful! You’re full of love and talents that the world needs! Please give yourself grace, none of this happens overnight.

The world is changing every day. We look at the horror being inflicted on Ukraine by Russia marching into Ukraine, unprovoked, and hundreds of thousands have died, needlessly. With it, bringing disturbing images and even more disturbing information.

I’m not sure any of our global politicians are working in anyone’s best interest but their own. But we see ego run riot to an extreme in nearly all communist leaders.

But we, as a people, must overcome things like racial ignorance, racism, hate, and think long and hard about the leaders we choose to vote for, follow, and we must counter evil in our world by seeing the beauty we provide when we show ourselves to the world. The light of each of us matters and we must continue learning ways to enhance our light and attract other light or positivity.

Just like trees that create numerous advantages from oxygen to food for habitat, emotional intelligence creates numerous advantages from happiness to making more money.

We must see our own beauty because the world judges us in three short seconds. They google our name, or they see our picture, and we have three seconds for them to decide whether we meet their criteria for someone they approve of. Said differently, the world won’t show you your beauty, we must discover it for ourselves.

It’s ok as an adult to redefine yourself, redefine your beauty, and just like a computer needs a reboot from time to time whenever it’s acting slow and sluggish…we, ourselves, need a reboot from a life that’s grown stale living for other people that have never reciprocated what we’ve given them.



Cort Twitty

Director of Corporate & Equipment Finance Strategies | Award-Winning Entrepreneur | Expert in Financial & Tax Strategy | Author | Webcaster | Devoted Dad