The Inherited Narrative: Unraveling the Story Shaping Our Lives

Cort Twitty
4 min readJun 9, 2024

I heard a unique phrase recently that I couldn’t help but think of in a different context and how each person enters the world as part of a larger narrative — a web of history, culture, and family that predates our existence. This inherited narrative, woven from the threads of our ancestors’ experiences, beliefs, and choices, influences who we become. Understanding and retracing our inherited narrative is crucial, as it shapes our biases, preferences, and worldviews. By exploring the story we are born into, we gain insights into ourselves and unlock the potential for personal growth and transformation.

From the moment we take our first breath, we are embedded within a tapestry of familial and cultural narratives. These narratives provide a framework for interpreting the world around us. Our inherited narrative informs our values, customs, and traditions, subtly guiding our decisions and reactions. It is the lens through which we view our experiences and the foundation upon which we build our identity.

Both conscious and unconscious biases are often rooted in the narratives handed down to us. For instance, if we are raised in a family with a strong work ethic, we may develop a bias toward valuing hard work and perseverance. Conversely, growing up in an environment with certain prejudices can instill biases that influence our attitudes toward others. Recognizing these inherited biases is the first step toward addressing and overcoming them, fostering a more inclusive and open-minded perspective.

Our preferences, from the food we enjoy to the hobbies we pursue, are frequently shaped by our inherited narrative. A family with a rich culinary tradition might instill a love for certain dishes, while cultural practices can influence our leisure activities. Understanding the origins of our likes and dislikes helps us appreciate the depth of our heritage and the diversity of experiences that contribute to our identity.

Retracing our inherited narrative involves delving into our family history, cultural heritage, and the broader historical context that has shaped our lineage. This journey of self-discovery is about understanding where we come from and gaining insights into the forces that have molded our beliefs and behaviors.

Exploring our inherited narrative often reveals hidden stories and forgotten legacies. These stories can provide a sense of connection and continuity, linking us to our ancestors and the challenges they faced. By uncovering these narratives, we honor their memory and gain a deeper appreciation for the resilience and strength that courses through our veins.

Retracing our inherited narrative offers a broader perspective on our lives. It allows us to see how historical events, social changes, and cultural shifts have influenced our family and, by extension, ourselves. This perspective can foster empathy and understanding, helping us navigate our challenges with greater wisdom and compassion.

By recognizing the influences that have shaped us, we gain the power to reshape our story. We can challenge and change detrimental biases, embrace positive aspects of our heritage, and create a narrative that aligns with our values and aspirations.

Change is an integral part of the human experience. By retracing our inherited narrative, we can identify patterns that no longer serve us and make conscious choices to break free from them. This process of transformation allows us to write our own story, one that reflects our true selves and our vision for the future.

Our inherited narrative is a powerful force that shapes our identity, biases, and preferences. By retracing this narrative, we uncover the stories and legacies that have influenced us, gaining a deeper understanding of ourselves. This journey of self-discovery empowers us to transform our inherited narrative, embracing the aspects that enrich our lives and challenging those that hold us back. In doing so, we create a more authentic and fulfilling story — one that honors our past while embracing the potential of our future.

If we want to make our future brighter, we must keep an open mind about incorporating what we read, and who we choose to read is also important. I hope that you relate to my writing and that I make a difference in your life. Keep reading my articles, because I’m going to keep writing them and each week, I ask myself, “How much value can I offer my audience this week for free?” Look, we all have the same 24 hours in a day. 1,440 minutes in a day. Remember to make at least five minutes intensely “my time” to check in with yourself and work on yourself. I try to make my articles five minutes or less and tailor them to the person who has a hard time finding time to focus solely on themselves for a few minutes each day. Thank you for investing some of that time into reading my articles. I don’t make money doing this. This is completely me investing time in you. Someone out there needed to read this today. It may not be you, but if I can make one person’s life brighter today, then I’ve done my job.



Cort Twitty

Director of Corporate & Equipment Finance Strategies | Award-Winning Entrepreneur | Expert in Financial & Tax Strategy | Author | Webcaster | Devoted Dad