Triumph of Vision: Hubble’s Celestial Odyssey Begins

Cort Twitty
3 min readApr 30, 2024

On this day, April 24, 1990, a significant milestone in the cosmos exploration was achieved with the launch of the Hubble Space Telescope. This event marked a pivotal moment in astronomy, offering us a new and profound view of the universe. However, the journey to launch Hubble was a mess with challenges that tested the resilience and ingenuity of thousands of scientists, engineers, and visionaries.

The concept of a space-based telescope can be traced back to the early 20th century, but it wasn’t until the 1970s that technology and funding aligned to make such a dream possible. The project faced significant political and financial hurdles. Congress met Initial funding requests with skepticism, as the cost and complexity of building and maintaining a telescope in space seemed daunting. Imagine trying to fund a project like this in today’s Congress.

The technical challenges were immense. Hubble needed to perform complex tasks in the harsh environment of space, where repair and maintenance are exponentially more difficult than on Earth. Engineers and scientists developed groundbreaking technologies, including a support system that could compensate for the slightest movements and vibrations from the spacecraft

Despite these innovations, Hubble’s early days were overshadowed by a significant flaw: a miscalculation in the curvature of the telescope’s primary mirror. This error resulted in blurry images that were initially deemed a disaster. The reputation of the project and its vast investments were at risk. But like all things in life deemed a disaster, some people won’t settle for their work resulting in disaster, and have the courage to keep trying in the face of adversity.

The response to this challenge was nothing short of remarkable. In 1993, a service mission was launched, which was one of the most complex and high-stakes repairs ever attempted in space. Astronauts performed a series of spacewalks to install corrective optics, restoring Hubble’s vision. This mission not only fixed the immediate issue but also demonstrated the feasibility of servicing missions in space, paving the way for future operations on the International Space Station and beyond.

Since its repair, Hubble has revolutionized our understanding of the universe. It has peered into the distant past, helped astronomers calculate the age of the universe, and provided the first clear evidence of black holes. Each image sent back to Earth has not only expanded our knowledge but also served as a reminder of what humanity can achieve despite overwhelming odds.

The story of the Hubble Space Telescope is a testament to the human spirit’s resilience. It reminds us that great achievements often come from overcoming great challenges. Like Hubble, each of us may face setbacks and criticisms, but it’s our response to these obstacles that define our path forward. This historic milestone encourages us to look beyond the immediate hurdles and focus on the long-term vision, ensuring that the lessons learned from overcoming these challenges can light the way for future generations.

On this anniversary of its launch, the Hubble Space Telescope continues to inspire not only scientists and astronomers but all of us who strive to overcome our personal and professional obstacles. It stands as a beacon of hope and human achievement, reminding us that with vision and persistence, the stars themselves are within our reach.



Cort Twitty

Award Winning Author & American Businessman, Financial Practitioner, Founding Partner & President of Minority Owned Business, Value Based Weekly Writer - Medium